6 Powerful Forecast Functions in Excel | How to do Sales Forecast in Excel

Among four types of analytics (descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive), predictive analytics is one of the important type of analytics to predict the future data. Forecasting can be done with all the statistical tools or analytics tool like R, Python, Alteryx. As a basic analytical tool, forecasting can be done also with the help of … Read more

Logistic Regression for Machine Learning | Logistic Regression in R | 5 assumptions of Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression for machine learning is a popular term in statistics, to be more specific in predictive analytics. Logistics regression is also called direct probability model or logit model in the field of statistics. It was first introduced in the year 1958 by Dr Cox, a statistician. There are many types of regression models are … Read more

What is Join in SQL | 7 Types of Join | Inner Join, Full Join, Left Join, Right Join

SQL stands for Structured Query Language where Join is an important concept to merge two data sets by using primary key or unique key. SQL is based on the concept of Relational Algebra. In other words, it can be said the it is the application of Relational Algebra. SQL was developed by Raymond Boyce & … Read more

Market Basket Analysis with R | Simple Apriori Algorithm in R | 8 usefulness of Market Basket Analysis

Retail business is one of the growing and profitable business in the world. There are many global players in the retail business like Walmart, Amazon, Costco etc. Data analytics is playing a major role in the retail industry in terms of segmentation and targeting of appropriate customers, forecasting of sales and many more. Among all … Read more

What is the difference between Correlation and Regression | Know difference between r and RSQ

Correlation and regression, both are commonly used and popular concept in the field of statistics and data science applications. Though both correlation and regression the concepts are being used to understand the relation of two or more variables, many people may get confused between the same concepts. In this article, we’ll discuss both the concept in … Read more

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