What is ANNOVA | Analysis of Variance | One Way ANNOVA Test | 7 Steps for ANNOVA

What is ANNOVA

ANNOVA is an inferential statistical method to find out the difference between two data sets. It is a most useful test methodology among researchers and data analyst. ANNOVA is used for the fields of research and study like economics, statistics, biology, psychology and marketing study and many more. It can be performed by manual calculation … Read more

Per Capita GDP and HDI Relationship | Human Development Index | Interesting Application of Correlation

Per Capita GDP & HDI Relationship

In the present scenario, we are frequently talking about GDP growth and economic development. There are many parameters which are responsible directly or indirectly for economic changes of any county. Factors are like population, export, import, GDP, per capita GDP, human development index (HDI), National income and many more. There are many factors which are … Read more

What is the difference between Correlation and Regression | Know difference between r and RSQ

Difference between Correlation vs Regression

Correlation and regression, both are commonly used and popular concept in the field of statistics and data science applications. Though both correlation and regression the concepts are being used to understand the relation of two or more variables, many people may get confused between the same concepts. In this article, we’ll discuss both the concept in … Read more

What is Descriptive Analytics |Explained Descriptive Analytics with Example| 9 Points of Descriptive Analytics

What is Descriptive Analytics

There are four types of analytics segment broadly. Those are Descriptive analytics, Diagnostic analytics, Predictive Analytics & Prescriptive Analytics. So, we’ll discuss what is descriptive analytics. Among all four types of analytics, Descriptive Analytics is the starting point for any kind of analytics to find out what has happened in the past. Also, descriptive analytics … Read more

What is Bell Curve | Explained Bell Curve with Standard Deviation | 4 Steps to Create Bell Curve in Excel

What is Bell Curve

Bell Curve is a methodology to understand normal distribution of data. In other words, Bell Curve is the graphical form of normal distribution. In Bell Curve, X axis represents the values of distribution and Y axis represents the frequency of each value.